How can you contribute to humanity and gain work satisfaction by applying for job oriented courses | IRTE

 COVID pandemic has left us confused and at the same time, opened the challenge to reorganise our thought process for the future.

As a young student, who has a lifetime in front and is considering further education, it is essential to consider job oriented courses which can help you in the future. 

I have the following piece of guidance for all students-

Graduation is today’s primary education and maybe compared to +2, that any young individual would want to achieve, whether to get into your own family business, or planning a start-up, or seek employment. Beyond graduation: further education, whether academic or skill development has now become a fundamental and essential necessity.

At this stage of enquiry, where one is confused about applying for just any course or a job-oriented course, they need to consider all three aspects: decent earning, job satisfaction and most importantly - towards contributing to humanity. You must surely make good money, but this earning must also contribute to the society at large.  

I want you the students to consider contributing to ‘road safety management.’

In India, 820 persons die every single day in road accidents and injure 15,000 seriously.

Traffic congestion, road rage and road traffic violations are on the rise, with every vehicle joining our roads.

There are 250 million registered vehicles in India, with an  8 to 10% annual increase.

Atmospheric pollution from automobiles is considered to be the largest hidden killer.

Transport & traffic management are basic requirements, which contribute to a sustainable economy. This applies to the country, state or even an individual corporate entity.

There are no trained traffic managers, rather just compounders who are serving as doctors.

Hence this job oriented course- M.Sc. in Traffic Management at IRTE’s College of Traffic Management affiliated to the Maharshi Dayanand University is an offer to consider

You could become a traffic engineer: designing, planning, auditing and operating roads and highways, urban planner or transport planner. You could specialise in fleet management for companies operating large fleets of vehicles. There is a need for accident investigators who can work as independent consultants, or serve in insurance companies. Though traffic enforcement is the job of the police, as you can see, the police are hardly trained to do this job; you could specialise in this subject even while working within the police by applying for suchutm b.

The country needs teachers, researchers, professors and even road safety consultants. Why not think of starting a driver training school, because the country issues almost 25 million driving licenses each year, and new drivers have hardly any opportunity to learn driving scientifically and adequately as proposed under the legislation.

Post-Accident management and rehabilitation is yet another job oriented course to consider.

The M.Sc. in Traffic Management which is the only exclusive postgraduate course in Asia is an opportunity for serving officers, engineers, whether IPS or even IAS.

For admission enquiry for M.Sc Courses Call - 8375887095, 9463246601 or E-mail:


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